Define Transfer Records in Transfer Equivalency (Degree Works)

Define Transfer Records in Transfer Equivalency (Degree Works)

Step 2: Define Transfer Records (Transfer)

Once you have set your Enrollment Goals, the second step in the evaluation process (Transfer) enables you to define all records (Class and Exam) for audit consideration.

You are expected to identify the classes and exams you would like to transfer. During data entry, the My Transfer Work space tracks and stores your entries (for later use).

When all classes and exams are identified, click the “I'm all done!” button to continue to the final step in the course equivalency process, Results.


The Transfer page's Class button allows you to specify details for one or more classes.

About this task

You are expected to identify the following:
  1. School (you may identify more than one school)
  2. Class
  3. Class Information
Classes entered successfully are listed in the Classes area of the My Transfer Work space.

Note: The My Work Space area also offers edit and remove features for stored items.


Step 1: Select the Class button.

Step 2: In the Search field, enter the school's name or select the school from the list.
When you enter characters in the Search box, the displayed list is automatically sorted (and shortened). Matching names rise to the top of the list. Non-matching names are removed from the list.

Step 3: In the Search box, enter a class name or scroll through the list and select the name of the desired class.

Step 4: Enter class details in each of the categories listed.

Note: Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. For “What was the term?”* Select “Term for transfer work
  2. Enter the number of credits received for each class.
  3. Enter the grade received. for courses you are currently enrolled in, select C or better.
  4. For “What type of credits?”* The default is Semester; if your institution is on a Quarter system, select Quarter.

Note: Classes entered successfully are listed in the Classes area of the My Transfer Work space.

Step 5: Options:




Continue entering data (Class or Exam)

Add another class from this school (and click Proceed)

Continue entering class details from this school (returns you to step 3)

To add a class from a different school

Do not select the “Add another class from this school” checkbox; click Proceed, then Class. At this point you will be able to select a different school.

I'm all done

Continues to Results page


The Transfer page's Exam button allows you to specify details for one or more exams.

About this task

You are expected to identify the following:
  1. Test Name
  2. Test Score
  3. Test Date
Exams entered successfully are listed in the Exams area of the My Transfer Work space.

Note: The My Work Space area also offers edit and remove features for stored items.


Step 1: Click the Exam button.

Step 2: Enter exam related information in each of the following categories:
  1. Test Name *
  2. Test Score *
  3. Test Date
Note: Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Step 3: Select Done when the individual exam's information is entered.

Note: Exams entered successfully are listed in the Exams area of the My Transfer Work space.

Step 4: Options:
  1. Click Class to enter class information
  2. Click Exam to continue entering exam information
  3. Click I'm all done to move to the Results page


For further assistance, see the Transfer Equivalency Frequently Asked Questions page or contact the technology Help Desk by submitting a ticket to us under My Tickets > Add Ticket or by calling us at  (810) 237-8324.
Kettering Support Request Customer Portal Add a Ticket

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