Help Desk

Help Desk

The Help Desk is located at the following locations and times:
  1. Academic Building, 2nd floor (B.I.T.S. Tech Room, 2-336ab)
    1. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
  2. Learning Commons, 3rd floor (Deveson Knowledge Bar)
    1. 12:20 p.m. - 1:20 p.m. (Common Hour), Monday - Friday
  1. Phone support by calling (810) 237-TECH (extension 8324).
  2. Submit a Help Desk support request ticket (See Help Sheet with video and steps):
    1. Submit a ticket for support on Kettering's technology
    2. Submit a ticket for support on Door Access, Kettering ID, or University Report
  3. In-person assistance by contacting us to set-up an appointment.
  4. Virtual assistance. No need to walk to one place for assistance -- we are available to assist you wherever you are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.  
  5. Equipment needing service can be picked-up/dropped-off using our new locker system. Contact us at the Help Desk to learn more.

Your request is important to us!

Submit a Support Request Ticket to the IT Team

In order to make sure your requests are officially recorded, please submit all your support/work requests to the IT Team by submitting a ticket through a Support Request Ticket.

Submit a Support Request Ticket for Door Access, Kettering ID, and University Reporting through the Customer Portal My Tickets. Learn more.
Kettering's Support Request Portal > My Tickets > Add ticket

Benefits of Submitting a Ticket

With the Ellucian Cloud Project well under-way, the volume of support/work requests has increased with supporting the project as well as on-going support with existing Kettering technology. We request your assistance with helping us best serve YOU and your team!

Submitting an email to create a Support Request Ticket has the following benefits:
  1. Your request builds a Knowledge Base for the team to troubleshoot and resolve reported issues
  2. When the primary team member is unavailable other team members will attempt to assist with your request
  3. Creating a ticket helps with preventing "lost" requests buried in email and chat
  4. With the Ellucian Cloud project in progress, if you are providing testing of the cloud environment, please provide all information within your Enterprise Systems Testing ticket so we can track all encountered issues and report as appropriate to Ellucian
  5. Please do not contact IT Team members directly through Email, Chat, or Phone unless you are working together on an existing project or open support request. Submitting an email/ticket negates your request getting lost in inboxes or chat streams.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Geoff Marsh or Jon Conquest.

**Note: The IT Help Desk will move requests/tickets between the IT Operations and IT Applications team as appropriate.

Help Information Resources

  1. Help Sheets and Videos are available by searching the Help Sheets (Knowledge Base) section of the Customer Portal.
  2. Student Quick-Start Guide
  3. Employee Quick-Start Guide
  4. Monthly Newsletter (technology announcements, tips and tricks on using Kettering technology, upgrades being formed during the IT Upgrade & Maintenance schedule, and more!)
  5. IT Upgrades & Maintenance calendar
Kettering IT YouTube Channel
Looking for quick tips on how to use Kettering technology? The IT team has created the Kettering IT YouTube channel to post helpful tips and how to videos. Subscribe to receive notifications when new videos are added!

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