Consider your Options in Transfer Equivalency (Degree Works)

Consider your Options in Transfer Equivalency (Degree Works)

Step 3: Consider Your Options (Results)

The Results page offers a set of options to guide your next steps.

Your Degree Audit Worksheet displays. Elements identified are:
  1. Degree Audit definition (Level, Degree, Academic Year, and Major)
  2. Degree Progress (requirements and credits expressed as percentages)
  3. Requirements (Unmet conditions)
    1. Degree
    2. Transfer
    3. American Institutions
  4. Course Equivalencies
Your next steps are:
  1. Download PDF (your customized Transfer Course Equivalency information). Select the Download PDF button the bottom left of the Degree Audit report.
  2. Select any Additional options (choices external to the Transfer Course Equivalency Self-Service application)

View the Audit Report

The audit report shows how the courses you took at other institutions will apply at the Kettering University, along with the courses still needed to complete your intended degree at the Kettering University.

The first section of the audit report displays the intended degree and major. The overall progress towards the intended degree that the articulated classes and test scores contribute to, is also displayed in terms of the percentage of requirements met and credits completed.

The other sections of the audit details the credits and classes that are still needed to complete specific requirements for the intended degree, major and minor.

The following audit report status categories help to interpret your report:
  1. Complete
  2. Not Complete
  3. Complete except for classes in-progress
  4. Nearly complete - see advisor
  5. Transfer Class
  6. Any course number

Download PDF

Choose where your customized degree audit information is saved for review.


Step 1: Specify a desired location and save the file by selecting Download PDF (lower left hand corner of the Degree Audit).

Step 2: Navigate to and open the new PDF file.

Review the information to understand how the classes you defined compare to essential classes here and how those classes may apply to degree requirements


For further assistance, see the Transfer Equivalency Frequently Asked Questions page or contact the technology Help Desk by submitting a ticket to us under My Tickets > Add Ticket or by calling us at  (810) 237-8324.
Kettering Support Request Customer Portal Add a Ticket

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