Proxy Self Service Banner (Proxy)

Proxy Self Service Banner (Proxy)


  1. Proxy Self Service Banner Login (Login for Parents, Guardians, etc)
  2. Student Self Service Banner Login (Login for Students)
  3. Employee Banner Administrative Tools Login (Login for Kettering Employees)
Important Note: Proxy Access is administered by your student through Student Self Service Banner. The University does not administer accounts or record authorizations. Please contact your student for assistance with using Proxy Access to view their educational record.

Self Service Banner Proxy Access

Proxy Access is a solution provided by the University for students and their authorized proxy to view the student's information in a secure, online environment. Proxy Access is only available if a student designates access to an authorized proxy. Managing proxy accounts is exclusively handled by the student using Student Self Service Banner.

What is Proxy Access?

Proxy Self Service Banner
Student Self Service Banner Proxy Access allows students to give their parents, family members, or other relationships the student deems appropriate, access to view the student's Kettering educational and/or financial record. A student limits the information a proxy can see by designating which Self Service pages the proxy can view.


The student can grant proxy access to one or all of the following information:
  1. *Account Summary (Accounts Receivable)
  2.  Award Package (Financial Aid)
  3.  Award History (Financial Aid)
  4.  Financial Aid Status (Financial Aid)
  5.  Student Detail Schedule (Academic Course Schedule Details)
  6.  Week at a Glance (Academic Course Schedule)
  7.  Student Grades (Academic)
  8.  Student Holds (Academic and Financial)
*Self Service Banner provides view-only privileges to a student’s financial account. If a student would like their proxy to have more than viewable access to their account, the student can set-up special privileges through KU ePay (includes the ability to make payments on a student's behalf, view billing statements, charges, payments, past due amount, collection activity and tax forms). Visit KU ePay to set-up your proxy’s account.

For example, a student could set-up the following proxies:
  1. Dad, who can view the student’s Week at a Glance, Award Package, and Account Summary
  2. Mom, who can view the student’s Week at a Glance and Student Grades
  3. Spouse, who can view the student’s Week at a Glance and Account Summary


A proxy is a person the student identifies by their email address in Student Self Service Banner Proxy Access. A person can be a proxy for more than one student. Once a student identifies a proxy, an email will be sent to the proxy containing their temporary login information. After the proxy confirms their email and establishes their password, they can then log into Proxy Self Service Banner.

What can I do with Proxy Access?

Proxy Access is fully managed by the student.  With Proxy Access, a student can:
  1. Enter authorize users (Proxy) in Student Self Service Banner
  2. Set a Proxy's temporary access through account Start and Stop Dates
  3. Authorize view-only access to specified Self Service pages
  4. Create a Passphrase allowing a proxy to speak to the University on the student's behalf
  5. Reset a proxy's password/PIN
  6. View audit history of proxy activity. Such as the time and date of logins and when the proxy viewed the student authorized Self Service page(s)
  7. View audit history of Proxy Self Service Banner system generated email communication and resend email messages to your proxy as needed

What is a Proxy Passphrase?

A student can assign a passphrase that their proxy can use to identify themselves as a valid proxy to speak to the University on the student’s behalf.

When speaking to the University, a proxy must authenticate themselves as the student has identified for them in Student Self Service Banner Proxy Access:
  1. Provide the student designated Proxy Passphrase
  2. Confirm their name and email as the student has designated
Use the student help sheet or video to set-up a Proxy Passphrase.

Who Uses Proxy Access?

Students use Student Self Service Banner to identify their selected Proxy and appropriate privileges. Learn more.

Proxies use Proxy Self Service Banner to view their student's information as the student has specified. 

The University uses Proxy Access to identify if a student has specified a Proxy Passphrase permitting the University to speak to the student's Proxy on their behalf. Learn more.

When do I have access to Self-Service Proxy Access?

A student must have an active Kettering Authentication Service (KAS) account (Kettering Gmail account/LDAP) to grant proxy privileges to someone.  New incoming, undergraduate students must be admitted to the University and made their $300 Tuition Enrollment Deposit for access.

Help Sheets and Videos

The following help sheets and videos are available to assist with using Self Service Banner Proxy Access:

Student:  Help Sheet  |  Video
Proxy:  Help Sheet  |  Video
Employee:  Help Sheet Video


If you have questions about Proxy Access, please contact the Registrar OfficeIf you encounter technical errors, please contact the technology Help Desk by submitting a ticket to us under My Tickets > Add Ticket or by calling us at  (810) 237-8324.
Kettering Support Request Customer Portal Add a Ticket