Career Services (Handshake)

Career Services (Handshake)


  1. Student, Alumni, and Staff Login

What is Handshake?

Handshake is the University's secure web-based Career Services platform. This tool allows graduating undergraduate seniors who have completed their preliminary thesis, graduate students and alumni to login with their Kettering LDAP credentials to build out a rich profile that helps students stand out when Kettering-approved employers search for students. Jobs relevant to our students interests can easily be filtered with the ability to apply instantly.

Who uses Handshake?

  • Students will use Handshake (Bulldog Career Services) to apply for full time job positions or to seek optional internships.
  • Employer Partners in Education will use Handshake to manage their hiring needs for students and alumni.
  • Staff facilitate the connections between Students, Employers, and the University toward requiring employers to post full time employment opportunities that fit our students career interests.

How do I receive a Handshake account?

Career Services staff are available to assist you with getting a Handshake account created.  Please send an email to Beth Nuccio at or contact by phone at (810) 762- 7497.

How to change your email in Handshake if you no longer have access to your student account?

The Handshake Help Center provides step-by-step information on how use Handshake after graduation. Learn more.

Where do I find Help using Handshake?

Visit the Handshake Help Center to learn how to use Handshake in your fulltime job search.


Career Services staff are available to assist you with any questions you may have.  Please send an email to Beth Nuccio at or by phone at (810) 762- 7497.

If you encounter technical difficulties using Handshake, please contact the technology Help Desk by submitting a ticket to us under My Tickets > Add Ticket or by calling us at  (810) 237-8324.
Kettering Support Request Customer Portal Add a Ticket

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